Rijeka Tattoo Expo se vraća u Palach! Podsjetimo se da je 2. Rijeka Tattoo Expo 2011. godine održan u Palachu, gdje se okupilo 15 tattoo artista iz Hrvatske, Makedonije i Bosne i Hercegovine. Ove godine u Kostreni očekujemo čak 125 tattoo artista iz cijele Europe!

Nakon jednogodišnje pauze, Rijeka Tattoo Expo na jesen se vraća u velikom stilu! Ovaj prestižni događaj, koji okuplja ljubitelje tetovaža iz cijele Europe, održat će se od 22. do 24. studenog 2024. u Sportskoj Dvorani Kostrena.

We are thrilled to present the official contest categories for the 12th Rijeka Tattoo Expo, taking place from November 22-24, 2024, at the Sportska Dvorana in Kostrena, Croatia. This year's event promises to be an extraordinary celebration of tattoo artistry, with talented artists from across Europe competing in a wide range of categories.

Join Us at the 12th Rijeka Tattoo Expo!
We are excited to announce the 12th Rijeka Tattoo Expo, taking place from November 22-24, 2024, in Kostrena, Croatia. This event will feature top tattoo artists from across Europe, showcasing their incredible work. Highlights include a tattoo contest, live tattooing sessions, and opportunities to engage with artists and enthusiasts. Whether you're a tattoo lover or new to the scene, don't miss this chance to immerse yourself in the world of ink. Stay tuned for more updates!